Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Did I have to? Nay. But I did…

And if I had the chance to do it all over again, I wouldn’t change a thing. Big whoop! Wanna fight about it? I don’t even know, man. I mean, It’s like wrap up time in camp now. I love this place so much! It’s ridiculous, really.

It’s been a gr8 summer (<------ROOMIES!) full of learning and Olympics. Speaking of Olympics, I’m totally listening to Tegan & Sara right now. That’s right, the twin sisters that are both lesbians and came in concert with DC4C last May. “How do they have anything to do with the Olympics?” you might be wondering. Well, if there was an Olympic event for being one of the best, rockin’ bands in history, then Death Cab would def take one of the golds. If there was a gold (this is Bear, BTW------->) medal in being the best, hot Canadians that get teenage lesbians to come to your shows,
Tegan & Sara would take the gold.

I’m so impressed with the new DC4C album. That shouldn’t be really surprising, considering that they are amazing. I’ve also been really impressed with the new Coldplay album. I’ve gotta hand it to those guys, there long thoughts and hard work paid off.

The Sandlot is a superb movie and was (<---------these guys rocked!) filmed mostly in Ogden, Utah (thanks Bob Spencer for that tidbit).

I like the spirit of unity the Olympic games bring together (I love this picture!----->). Wouldn’t it be amazing if every nation could get together and peacefully chill all the time? Secondly, Celebrate What’s Right with the World!

And it’s soon back to Utah. To hopefullity of productivity. To word creationing. (<-----this one is entitled: "God Was.") I love the thought of being home. I hate the thought of leaving this place. I love the thought of growing. I hate the thought of depression and stagnation. I love the concept of control. I have it.

The Argentines are hand the Americans’ (I look like a fat man... who's having a rockin' time sailing!---------->) aces to them in volleyball. My friend, Kyle must be torn in two… really proud of one team, but at the same time ashamed of the other. And if the USA was winning, it’d be the same thing.

<---------------------I'm in defense mode for the small vagrants that wish to take this from me!

BEAR! What are you doing? Hop in your chopper, come pick me up, and we go to Vegas! I love you, bro!

Nang Sung & Wife. I love you two. Thanks for making my summer by bringing love to the island.

Mitch! Mario parties! (I'm sad that I'm leaving---------------------->)

Napkic! What is poetry? I’m excite to fly ‘round world with you… OMG!

Badwick? Are you dead?

Family! I love you! Quit breaking your bodies!

<------------Jordan Paul Holloman! I’ll see you later, bro!

Monday, August 4, 2008

The Origin of SHUMP!

Once upon a time, there was a 7th grader who was obsessed with chicken. This 7th grader had am obsessive history. He was known to make up words and phrases like "zoon... zinkeen bam" and "blah ja." He developed antics that would sometimes last for years. Relentlessly exploiting the annoyances of others and using them as tools of torture in his conquest to rule the world, he started with his dog, Tazzman. Whiskers were his thing... it made him yawn with unnervedness. He loved his dog.

This 7th grader woke up one morning and decided that he was going to be a 9th grader. Now a 9th grader, he took his knowledge of language and corrupted all that was therein good. First, he added an N to words and their syllabic rhythms that weren't supposed to be there. Second, that's it. That's all he did.

The concept is easy, really. Try it! Instead of saying, "Please pass the butter peas please," say, "pleaNse paNss theN buNtterN peaNs pleaNse." Some say it sounds like the Indian lady on Dances With Wolves (starring the greatest Nebraskian actor of all time, Kevin Costner). They're wrong. Absolutely wrong. It sounds nothing like that.

Here it is phonetically, "pleenz pants thun peenz pleenz."

"It works. It's hilarious. It's the creation of a genius mind!" said the 9th grader. So he started talking like this to his mother, sister, dad, dog, and friends. One of his friends took it to the limit with him. They lived on happy beaches.

One day, they were skippin’ home from school. They were talnking theirn newn languange, but then they got lazy. Their words started to slur together just like you can contract "do you know what I am saying?" into "'y'om sayin'?"

Just before they reached the rainbow tree, they got into a fight and punched each other. The 9th grader got so mad that he called upon his magic caterpillar to wrap his friend up in a cocoon of wrath. So he did. His friend was so mad that he pulled out his pocket knife and cut the cocoon apart.

He then said to the 9th grader, "In hante youn!"
The 9th grader shot back," Shunt unp!"
His friend replied, "Non! Youn shunt unp!"
The 9th grader would have none of this, "Non! Youn shunt unp!"

And so it went on...

"Non! Youn shunt unp!"
Youn shunt unp!"
"Non! Youn shunt unp!"
"Non! Youn shunt unp!"

And then they got lazy...

"Youn shunt unp!"
"Youn shunt unp!"
"Youn shunt unp!"
"Youn shunt unp!"
"Youn shunt unp!"

And then they got lazier...

"Shunt unp!"
"Shunt unp!"
"Shunt unp!"
"Shunt unp!"
"Shunt unp!"

And lazier...

"Shhun unp!"
"Shhun unp!"
"Shhun unp!"
"Shhun unp!"
"Shhun unp!"


"Shhu unp!"
"Shhu unp!"
"Shhu unp!"
"Shhu unp!"
"Shhu unp!"







Then they lolololol-ed all the way home.

THEn End (pincey fince)