Sunday, June 1, 2008

On my 23rd summer...

I am officially here, my home for the next two months and three weeks. It's nice to be. You know, here. The beauty about summer is that it offers even the oldest feeling people the chance to be young and/or do young things. Yes, indeed, I am here. I'm sleeping for the time being in the OASIS, which is nothing more than a collection of expired hot boxes assembled to form what is typically known as the "girls' quarters." I assure you there is a definite lack of estrogen as Monte Miller and I hold down the fort. You probably don't even know what I'm talking about. Well, worry not. My right toenail is misshapen on account of a previous stubbing of it against my apparently well-built CRATE amp. I feel the effects of my blunder now, which is why I warn you now. Watch your toes. Also, isn't it frakin' sweet that I'm getting 6 hours of college credit for this summer's work? Thank you. Thank you for silently agreeing with me. And yes I meant to say "frakin.'" The word is far underused or never. I'm working on isolating my creativity while Im out here. I wish to focus my energies into a single direction/goal... kind of like how Ryu or Ken (hence the term "RYUKEN" which is commonly sloppily slurred into "HADUKIN" or "ORIYUKEN" or "ORAIALSKIN") would focus a sh** ton of energy into a single ball of electrically hot fury and rage and destruction. Yeah. I would use my energies to make more of a fluffle delicious ball... like a marshmallow. I was once taught how marshmallows were made. THANKS NECSL! K THX BAI!


Taylor said...

i expect a serious fireball of creativity.
Are they putting all the girls up in the newly renovated commi cabins or what?

Lacey said...

SWEETNESS BRO. I miss you already. Watch out so that you don't hurt anymore of your toenails. They are precious commodoties nowadays! Lonven youn!

JPH said...

They're actually living EVERYWHERE! JK, dawg. Just in Commie #2 (the minors... yeah... good idea? We'll see), and the OANSIS. I'm just there now because the retiring CIMI director is still in what will be my quarters. I don't blame her, though. I'ma have a hard time saying goodbye to this place.

Maren said...

yo she-bih.
nice blog
ps that necsl lesson rocked. then we ate those biscuits full of deliciousiosity.
have fun on the island!